How to be a Good Team Builder

Being a good Team Builder, first you will need to have a Team and teach them to duplicate your actions, such as sponsoring new affiliates, making sales, mentoring prospective leaders, etc. If you can achieve a high degree of “duplication” in your organization, you can “be in a hundred places at one time” and able to grow your business rapidly. The following article shared by Yank Elliott, SFI Team Leader will teach you how to be a good Team Builder.

TRAINING ARTICLE: On Being A Good Team Builder

Article by: 

Yank Elliott, SFI Team Leader
Many SFI leaders say you must build a team to succeed with SFI. This is called duplication. Since there are many aspects of duplication, let’s bring many of them together here so we can make the duplication process easier to understand.


Dictionaries typically define duplication as:

  • An act or instance of duplicating.
  • The state of being duplicated.
  • A duplicate.
  • A copy exactly like an original.
  • Anything corresponding in all respects to something else.
  • To make an exact copy of.
  • To do or perform again; repeat: He duplicated his father’s way of standing with his hands in his pockets.

Profile scores
 are just one part of identifying potential hard workers among newly sponsored affiliates. Each answer in the Affiliate Profile has a number attached to it to help identify those affiliates who are serious about building a business.  You can view your Affiliates’ profile scores within Affiliate Profiles, in e-mail notifications, and in your Genealogy Report–just click the Affiliate Manager tab and look for the PS column.

Ostensibly, the higher the profile score, the more potentially active the affiliate; but be warned:  it’s often not that straightforward. Based on the scores for a few of my own affiliates, for example, out of 12 with scores over 20, only two of them have remained active…and one of my very best workers scored just three on his profile score. My highest ranking CSA, an STL, scored only 19 on his Affiliate Profile, while another affiliate with a reasonably high profile score of 42 is in danger of being removed because of inactivity.

What this means is that although profile scores can be used as a guide for identifying potential movers and shakers, they are no guarantee of Affiliate activity…OR eventual success. As an SFI Sponsor, you must always communicate with all your new affiliates, no matter what their score is. Some of them with low profile scores could surprise you!
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In SFI, “duplication” is the action of generating PSAs in your downline and teaching them to do the same. For example: you acquire 5 active PSAs, who you then teach to acquire 5 each of their own active PSAs and so on (up to 12 levels in SFI). Each PSA must build their own team to succeed in generating a long-term, residual income. Your Leadership Page can help provide the tools to help you in your efforts.

  • Your actions and progress in SFI carries the greatest influence on your downline.
  • You must be willing to teach duplicating methods, advertising, sales and so on in your daily/weekly communication with your team.
  • Focus can be enhanced by using a reward system for sign up goals.
  • Consistent recognition of their progress is a morale builder.
  • You may try a freelance reward system based on progress for your individual achievers.
  • Use contests to keep them motivated and on target.
  • Encourage goal setting.
  • Your ability to monitor your team and follow up with relevant information and
  • tools to assist them in their business is key to everyone’s success.
  • Keep your Leadership Page up to date with tools and articles.
  • Good “duplication” begins with you and your ability to teach your downline.
Keep in mind that, when all is said and done, only a few of your PSAs will effectively grow their downline (and duplicate some of them). That’s OK! Don’t get discouraged. Those few will most likely make a few more effective duplicates, and that is how your business grows!

To encourage those few “diamonds in the rough,” you can take some or all of the following specific actions:

  • Direct your PSAs to the Basic 3 Steps plan:
    • Become an Executive Affiliate every month.
    • Recruit 5 affiliates.
    • Teach your 5 affiliates to do the same Basic 3 Step plan.
  • Make sure your downline visits the Marketing Center for marketing aids and methods  they can use to recruit 5 new affiliates.
  • Focus your PSAs’ efforts! Ask them to create goals and a plan to help them recruit 5 affiliates.
  • Introduce your downline to the Earnings Calculator. Here, they can play around with different options on the type of income they could earn through duplication.
  • Connect with your PSAs…bond with them. Communication is the Key!
  • Keep your Leadership Page in SFI Live! That’s your “face” to your own affiliates. Keep writing on your blog, announce competitions, add your daily tips.
  • Send a welcome card/e-mail as soon as you get a new SFI Affiliate. Tell them that you are there to support them in the SFI business.
  • Send motivational e-mails to keep them on track.
  • Make sure your PSAs are not bored or irritated by the frequent mailers and e-cards you are sending.
  • Send “Tips” card to help them flourish in their business. That is why we have PSA/CSA/Team mailing systems in place. Make sure you communicate with them. For your best members, send a personal note of appreciation.
  • Let your PSAs know that you care for them by keeping tab on the tasks they are doing (through your Genealogy report). Appreciate your PSAs for a nice thing they have done in a week. Give them tips on what they can do better.
  • Preach what you do. If you ask your PSAs to do what you are practicing, they will have confidence in you and follow you…and you are almost there in the duplication process!
  • Follow up with your affiliates to find out what they are doing to build their downline. If you have an S-Builder co-op set up for your team, ask them if they are interested to become part of it. Same for PSAs-to-Go!
  • Ask them to become active participants–to generate Personally Referred Members for TripleClicks, E-Commerce Associates, W3, and Pricebenders auctions.
  • Lead by example. Are you logging in daily and performing your To-Do List? Your EA Streak and Daily VersaPoints Streak will be seen by your team and newly sponsored affiliates.
  • Are you consistently communicating with your downlines, sending encouragement and support messages? Find out their feedback from your Scoreboard by reading the monthly Sponsor/Co-Sponsor Rating. What kind of signal are you sending to them? Be sensitive to their needs.
  • Are you visible or very much active in SFI Forum and Ask SC? This will create your brand name and you’re also helping in making SFI a well rounded and highly recommended online home-based business opportunity through your contributions.
  • Are you consistently updating your knowledge base, so that you can offer and share your know how to help them, especially in building their teams?
  • Do you have badges displaying on your Leadership Page? Badges like Top Eroller, S-Builder Co-op, Power Rank, etc. provide a good example to your PSAs.

Duplication opens the door to leveraged income, earned from the efforts of other people–your PSAs, their PSAs, and so on in your downline. As long as your Affiliates are accumulating VP, sponsoring Affiliates/signing up TC Members, and teaching THEIR PSAs how to do the same (duplicating), then your compensation will ALSO include these other, ongoing leveraged income streams.

Basically, having diverse sources of income means not putting all your eggs in one basket–i.e., simply selling items directly to one customer at a time. With a team of 5 or more affiliates in your first generation alone, you have multiple sources of income at your fingertips.

Without duplication, your business most likely won’t be sustainable, according to many SFI leaders. You will be the only one doing all the work and all the advertising, and the growth of your business will, by definition, be limited. But as each of your Affiliates duplicates the efforts of the previous Affiliates in your organization, you multiply your efforts exponentially. It’s like taking a penny and doubling it over and over and over again.

To experience success will take some time, however. Duplication is designed to create wealth; your business is not a lottery or a “cash cow.” Your PSAs are looking for true leaders with staying power. Once you demonstrate you are a leader and earn their trust, they will be more likely to take action, become duplicators, and create leveraged income for you.

(Special thanks to: SFI Affiliate Lalitha Praveen, Mar Fajardo, STL, Bob Moore, STL for contributing to the content in this article)

Yank Elliott is an SFI Team Leader and freelance writer living in the swamps of Hurricane Alley, North Carolina, USA. He has been an active SFI member since 1999.